Here is an example situation:
Mark and Jane are married.
Mark loves Jane.
Jane loves Mark.

We can say: “Mark and Jane love each other.”
“each other” is a reciprocal pronoun. We use “each other” to show that each person in a group of people does something to the others. Each person receives the benefits of the action.
We can also use “one another“.
“one another” is also a reciprocal pronoun.
Mark and Jane love one another.
In modern English, “each other” and “one another” have the same meaning and use.
Example sentences with reciprocal pronouns
Example 1
Mark gave Jane a gift.

Jane gave Mark a gift.

Mark and Jane gave each other gifts.
Mark and Jane gave one another gifts.
Example 2
Sarah is talking to Jane.
Jane is talking to Sarah.
They are talking to each other.
They are talking to one another.

Example 3
David: How is Jane?
Mark: She is well. We call each other regularly.
Mark: She is well. We call one another regularly.

Possessive adjectives with “each other” and “one another”
A possessive adjective describes who owns something.
We can form possessive adjectives from “each other” and “one another” by adding an apostrophe + “s”
Reciprocal pronoun | Possessive adjective |
each other | each other’s |
one another | one another’s |
Mark often uses Jane’s phone.
Jane often uses Mark’s phone.
Mark and Jane often use each other’s phones.
Mark and Jane often use one another’s phones.
Common mistakes with reciprocal pronouns
Let’s look at another example. This sentence is correct:
Mark and Jane helped each other.
“each other” are 2 separate words.
“eachother” is therefore wrong.
Example of mistake:
Mark and Jane helped eachother.
“each other” and “one another” do NOT have a plural form.
Examples of mistake:
Mark and Jane helped each others.
Mark and Jane helped one anothers.
Other lessons
Personal pronouns in English
THIS, THAT, THESE & THOSE – Determiners and demonstrative pronouns
Transitive and intransitive verbs – English grammar
How to use DO and MAKE in English
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