Let’s start with an example of the past perfect in context:
Yesterday, Mark was tired because he had walked to work.
(The bold text is the past perfect)

In the example, there are 2 actions / events from the past.
The 2 actions occur in this order:
- Mark walks
- Mark is tired
We use the past perfect to describe the first action or event from the past.
In this English grammar lesson, you will learn:
- the form of the past perfect tense
- the use and meaning of the past perfect (there are other uses)
Affirmative form
full form:
subject + “had” + past participle
contracted form:
subject + “‘d” + past participle
Full form | Contracted form |
I had walked | I‘d walked |
you had walked | you‘d walked |
he had walked | he‘d walked |
she had walked | she‘d walked |
it had walked | it‘d walked |
we had walked | we‘d walked |
you had walked | you‘d walked |
they had walked | they‘d walked |
Negative form
negative full form
subject + “had not” + past participle
I had not walked |
you had not walked |
he had not walked |
she had not walked |
it had not walked |
we had not walked |
you had not walked |
they had not walked |
negative contracted forms
There are 2 choices:
subject + “hadn’t” + past participle
subject + “‘d not” + past participle
negative contracted form 1 | negative contracted form 2 |
I hadn’t walked | I‘d not walked |
you hadn’t walked | you‘d not walked |
he hadn’t walked | he‘d not walked |
she hadn’t walked | she‘d not walked |
it hadn’t walked | it‘d not walked |
we hadn’t walked | we‘d not walked |
you hadn’t walked | you‘d not walked |
they hadn’t walked | they‘d not walked |
Question form
“Had” + subject + past participle .. ?
Full form |
Had I walked…. ? |
Had you walked…. ? |
Had he walked…. ? |
Had she walked…. ? |
Had it walked…. ? |
Had we walked…. ? |
Had you walked…. ? |
Had they walked…. ? |
Question form with “question words”
We can use several “question words” to form a question with the past perfect:
why + “Had” + subject + past participle .. ?
What had he eaten?

Where had she been?
How had he lost weight?
Past participles
What is the past participle? How do we form a past participle?
Regular verbs
The basic rule for regular verbs is to add –ed to the base form:
clean > cleaned
walk > walked
Irregular verbs
base form | past participle |
be | been |
break | broken |
buy | bought |
choose | chosen |
come | come |
do | done |
drink | drunk |
eat | eaten |
go | gone |
have | had |
make | made |
run | run |
say | said |
see | seen |
think | thought |
For all the rules and exceptions for forming the past participle for regular and irregular verbs, use a good dictionary.
Uses and meaning of the past perfect
Actions in the past before other actions
We use the past perfect to describe an action in the past before another action in the past.
When she arrived at the station, the train had already left.

Mark was happy because he had found a new job.
She passed the exam because she had studied hard.
Past perfect in reported speech (indirect speech)
In English, there are 2 methods to say what somebody has said:
1) Direct speech. The exact words that the person said. It is from the perspective of the person speaking.
2) Reported speech (indirect). We report what a person said using our words. It is from our perspective.
Direct speech example:
Mark said, “I like chocolate.”
Indirect speech example:
Mark said that he liked chocolate.
If the reporting verb of the speech is in the past, then often we change the tenses of the reported speech.
Direct speech tense | Reported speech tense |
Present simple | Past simple |
Present perfect | Past perfect |
Past simple | Past perfect |
As you can see from the above table, if the reporting verb is in the past, then we use the past perfect in the reported speech if the present perfect OR past simple was used in the original direct speech.
Here are 4 examples:
Example 1:
Direct speech:
Mark said, “Jane has gone to London.” (present perfect)
Reported speech:
Mark said that Jane had gone to London. (past perfect)
Example 2:
Direct speech:
Mark said, “I have lost my key.” (present perfect)
Reported speech:
Mark said that he had lost his key. (past perfect)
Example 3:
Direct speech:
Mark said, “I bought a car.” (past simple)
Reported speech:
Mark said that he had bought a car. (past perfect)
Example 4:
Direct speech:
Mark said, “We enjoyed our meal.” (past simple)
Reported speech:
Mark said that they had enjoyed their meal. (past perfect)
Past perfect in conditionals
We use the past perfect to describe an unreal or imaginary situation in the past. This is known as the third conditional.
If he had walked to work, he would have been late.
If you had invited me to the party, I would have come.
If I had had more money, I would have bought you a watch.
Look at the last example again. The first “had” is the auxiliary verb. The second “had” is the main verb. It is the past participle of the verb “have”.
More English lessons
Private online English lessons
The ing form of English verbs
The verb “to BE” – English irregular verbs
Irregular verbs in English
Past simple tense in English
Present perfect verb tense in English
Tuan Hoang says
Could you please explain to me the use of future in the past.Thanks so much
Hello sir its Ibrahim ,
Last night I messaged you on comment but I thought you must not have seen it .
Uses of past perfect
Past perfect
1. Used to show one happened before another past event
2. Used for one event continued before another past event.
3. Used to show one event happened before specific time.
1. I had seen it before he saw it
2. I have lived in America for last 3 years before I reached here
3. I have seen it before last night
Some ideas teacher here I use past perfect as we all are taught to use it if you want to one event happened before another past event.
But what about one event happened in the past
We use past perfect for showing 1 event happened in the past in storytelling like.
We decided to go America ,we packed our bags and my friend told me that we had to go to the airport my dad had told me that I was going to see so many different kinds of people in America.
So here I use past perfect without past simple but because of context it is easier to know that Pass Perfect situation happened before my story but if I use past perfect like this so this will be wrong
1. I had seen it
2. I had gone there
Here there is no context the past perfect so here past Perfect is wrong correct me if I’m wrong.