If I can afford something, then I have enough money to buy it.
The form is:
subject + “can afford” + noun
For example:
If a Ferrari costs £100,000 (one hundred thousand pounds), and I have £150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand pounds), then I can afford a Ferrari.

If I do not have enough money to buy something, then we use the negative.
For example: A Ferrari costs £100,000 but I only have £50,000, then I can’t afford a Ferrari.
Past tense
subject + “could afford” + noun
Example: Last year I could afford a holiday in Spain.
“can afford” + infinitive
Instead of a noun, we can use “can afford” with a verb in the infinitive form to describe an activity for which we have enough money.
Example: I can afford to go to London every weekend.
“affordable” is an adjective. It describes a noun that we have enough money to buy.
That computer is affordable. ( = It is possible to buy that computer. It is not too expensive)
What can you afford to do next weekend? Tell me in the comments. 🙂
aziz says
ex: I can afford to go to restaurant when I get my salary.
Thank you very much for your lessons .
Brusa claude says
next weekend I can afford to listen a concert because Ihave enought money to pay it.
Tavous says
I can afford a house
Because I have enough money
Is that correct
Jten merde says
Moi moi perso j’habite avec mon daron riche j’ai une villea un macdo un cinéma un bowling pour moi
maitien says
I can afford a large farm then I will grow organic vegetables.
Pat says
I could afford a holiday every year untill I was made redundant.
Lucía says
I can afford to take my friend out for dinner in a nice restaurant to celebrate her birthday on Sunday.
Mehdi ben chikha says
I can afford to go on holiday next week.
Ivan Zuleta says
I really Glads you have this web ,help a lot of people as me to improve us English.
Mrs.Razaq says
Hello sir, your lessons are very useful for me & my English is improving every day by your excellent teaching thank you so much you are the best teacher in the world. ” I can afford to go to hotel for lunch with our family next weekend”.
Alexandre Correa says
I can’t afford to go to London every year as i’d like.
thank’s, you are the best!
Bahlool says
I could afford a big party last year but I didn’t
Thank you so much for your teaching, now I can use it in my daily speaking.
Rohan says
Hi dear
I’m looking a good friend to improve my english knoledge
Hetal says
Hi Andrew Sir. From yesterday, I started to learning English from your videos . It’s really helpful my improvement in English and I will do exercise every day.
I can afford to go India every year to visit my parents , if I get permanent job.
I can afford to spend time and money to learning English for my career, if I am an enthusiastic.
Hetal says
Thank you Andrew Sir. You doing great work for who always want to improve their English.
I have question , Are you doing any online English course not ielts but general English course which can help to writing and speaking English. I am very interested to do that. If you are doing please let me know. Thank you once again for reading my comment.
Thupten says
I am Thupten. I learn English
Thupten says
Leticia Nkrumah says
I have watch your videos and l would like to improve my English,grammar.
Mohamed says
Next week i will take a vacation and I can afford gifts for my family
Min says
If I were a rich man,I could afford buy lots of things.
faisal says
i can afford to leave my car because i have an onther car
faisal says
I can afford to leave my car i f i get an other
Pedro Oyanadel says
i can afford to go to the football game next sunday
Houda says
I can afford to travel to Casablanca
kr srinivasan says
I can afford to buy a Jean
Nour Khaled says
I can afford to have a day use with my friends next week .
alpa says
The hotel room price was affordable ,apart from it , Service was an excellent.
I cannot afford to spent too much time in other useless task as I have to stick to plan in order to delever it.
Thank you Andrew , its really helpful.
Adriana says
This weekend, I can afford to oversleep, because my children are at their grandparents.